I wrote my first line of code in 2020. Not a long time ago, but the world changed a lot since then. People are not coding the same way anymore and they will never be.
My first script compared the numbers in two Excel reports. After the idea was born, I needed to solve the problem. The outlined process was something like this:
1. Open the two files
2. Navigate to the output sheets
3. Loop through the numbers
4. Flag the differences
A really nice beginner project, but it was only layer 1 of the problems. When I had it solved in my head, the coding problem, aka layer 2, entered the chat with all the documentation reading, Stack Overflow, forums, debugging, and a lot of rage-quits.
Coding even simple tasks can be a lot of work, especially if you are a beginner. Under layer 2 there were many more problems to solve: math issues, logical errors, and data types.
It was like an onion. But layers are no more!
Today people face different challenges. The same project would look like this:
1. Open ChatGPT and type:
"I have two Excel files and want to compare the numbers on the output sheets. Write a script for me that flags the differences."
The many layers of problems were reduced to one: The prompting problem.
We no longer spend nights debugging, reading forums, or trying to understand the documentation. We now spend hours speaking to LLMs.
The biggest challenge is articulating our needs so that the computer can translate to its own language. Any time you need debugging or want to peel the math challenge layer, you turn back to the chat interface. You repeatedly solve the prompting problem.
Coding was challenging because of its layers. To do programming well you need many skills, including communication. With prompting, the focus shifts entirely to communication, removing the pressure of mastering all those skills. AI now handles them.
Coding was a must, but now it's an option. You can still choose to learn it, but you will be the odd man out. There will be subcultures of coders who will do it the OG way. The Amish are a traditionalist Christian group known for simple living, and a rejection of modern technologies to preserve their community values. Amish coding culture will arise.
That is wrong on so many levels.